A diverse coalition of business and community stakeholders in Hawai’i thanked the Hawai’i State Senate for passing the Clean Fuel Standard (SB 2768) yesterday by an overwhelming 24-1 margin.
The Clean Fuels Hawai'i coalition singled out the primary bill sponsor, Senator Glenn Wakai as well as co-sponsors Senator Dru Kanuha, Senator Michelle Kidani, Senator Chris Lee, and Senator Maile Shimabukuro. Also key in the bill's passage were Senator Dela Cruz, the Chair of the Senate Ways and Means Committee, Senator Lynn Pualani DeCoite, Chair of the Energy, Economic Development, and Tourism Committee and Senator Mike Gabbard, Chair of the Agriculture and Environment Committee, all who scheduled the measure for a hearing in their respective committees. The legislation was introduced in the Senate on January 19, 2024.
The Clean Fuel Standard (CFS) for Hawai’i will reduce air and water pollution from the use of fossil fuels in our transportation system, using a science based “carbon intensity” to measure the life cycle of greenhouse gas emissions. Transportation emissions count for 60% of Hawai’i’s CO2 emissions with aviation being the largest source of transportation emissions. Emissions from using fossil fuels are correlated with asthma, cancer, heart disease, premature birth and respiratory diseases. Overburdened and low-income communities are more likely to live in areas with very high exposure to transportation particulate matter and other pollutants and have documented health impacts.
Researchers have concluded that clean fuel regulations have been very effective at reducing the use of fossil fuels and improving air quality, while driving the adoption of EV’s, renewable diesel and other renewable and low carbon alternatives like hydrogen and Sustainable Aviation Fuels. Similar legislation is in place in Washington, Oregon, California, and throughout Canada. New Mexico just signed their bill into law this week and 13 other states have introduced clean fuels legislation including Minnesota, New York, New Jersey, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Illinois.
The Clean Fuels Hawai’i Coalition is invested in reducing greenhouse gas emissions from Hawai’i’s highest-emitting sector: Transportation. The coalition represents a diverse group of stakeholders in Hawai’i including renewable fuel producers and distributors, electric vehicle charging companies, nonprofit organizations, social justice and faith-based advocates, automakers, aviation, businesses, trade associations, and renewable energy companies. To learn more about the proposed legislation or the Clean Fuels Hawai’i Coalition, please visit Pump Cleaner Fuel, Hawai'i.
Media Contact: Lee Keller
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